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Frank Allison
Delois Bartlett (McBeth)
Stan Bastron
Janet Bauer (Mattey)
Mary Ann Bertram (Severson)
Mick Boley
Leslie Brabetz
Betty Brown (Meier)
Shirley Brunner (Bostock)
Joe Buckles
R. D. (Dick) Burns
Sharon Burt (Salyers)
Ronald Butler
Wesley Butts
Shirley Campbell (Singleton)
Carla Cathcart (Von Zell)
Tony Cranston
Steve Darnall
Helen Day (Wells)
Jim Dean
Pat Deines (Redler)
Patricia Ditton
Loretta Dolberg (Allen)
Tom Duwe
Bob Edgar
Denise Edgar (Micek)
Larry Eirich
Anne Elliott (Charles)
Barry Elliott
Carolyn Elliott (Burkman)
Ronald Engelhaupt
Carolyn Ewing (Closson)
Mike Fisher
Ronald Flick
Barbara Flohr (Muhr)
David Funk
Sharon Geis (Foos)
Don Gentry
Geneva Green (Mathews)
Larry Green
Dennis Greenwalt
Paula Grochowsky (Severson)
Pat Hamada (Crokie)
Lavonne Hamberger (Conrad)
Tom Hamburg
Roland Handley
Patricia Harris (Reichert)
Beatrice Hernandez (Damian)
Gretchen Holmes (Deter)
Marilyn Hulinsky (Lackey)
Dennis Jaeger
Ronald Johannes
Doris Johns (Celesky)
Carol Johnson (Bybec)
Barbara Kaufman (Popp)
William Kaufman
Sandra Kays (Graves)
Pam Kinsey (Shannon)
Jeff Knoles
Larry Kraus
Sharon Krause (Herman)
Shirley Lissman (Cox)
Genene Lockwood (Morrison)
Ted Lopez
Marsha Maddox (Chamberlain)
Deanne McKeeman (Henderson)
Debbie Meisner (Torbeck)
Gary Miller
Warren Molko
Carol Nagel (Worth)
Murray Nagel
Patricia Nason (Vigil)
Richard Nelson
Jean Netherland (Rummel)
Emily Oetken (Lemmon)
Leroy Overturf
Billie Jeanne Ozenbaugh
Ann Parker
Jeannette Pennock (Brehmer)
Carol Peterson (Constable)
Norman Peterson
John Prohs
Larry Pyle
Hank Rahmig
Gary Redabough
David Reiber
Joan Reichert (Loose)
Ron Reitz
John (Jac) Reynolds
William Rider
Bob Rockwell
Kathy Roudebush (Elm)
Terry Ryan
Carolann Schank (Rau)
Alice Schmer (Kovarik)
Janet Shandera (Razee)
Duane Spencer
Sharon Spier (Boal)
Sherryl Stratton (Goddard)
Kenneth Stuckey
Mike Thompson
Tom Thurman
Glen Trute
Sherry Van Kirk (Blaha)
Sandra Wamser (Larson)
Steve Warrick
Naomi Whittington (Couey)
Royce Wills (Wills)
Sally Wineman (Warren)
Louie Zier
Barbara Zitterkopf (Allen)
Guest Members
Sandy (Walton) Reiber
Coach Frank Craft
Priscilla Funk (Spouse)
Bob Hyland
Helen Johannes (Spouse)
Coach Don Knauss
Bill Layton
Jim Masters
Coach Henry Meter
Marilyn Rahmig (Spouse)
Charlie Reitz (Spouse)
Nancy Ryan (Spouse)
Harrison Warren (Spouse)
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